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Secure Software Development

Security built into software design

The pace of innovation and time to market for software and devices has never been higher.  Techniques such as Agile and DevOps have enabled constant delivery of features.  Let the Proactive IS development team prevent security from being sacrificed by helping your organization implement security into the core processes and achieve constant delivery without sacrificing security.

Security is often left behind in the drive to delivery features and functionality rapidly.  The Proactive IS software developers and software architects can assist any team in ensuring that the adequate level of security is factored into agile processes, requirements, continuous delivery pipelines and automated test suites.  Proactive can act as a consultant or our team can augment your resources to allow for extra bandwidth.

  • Security Requirements

    Factor security during the development of the requirements by considering the common threats, compliance requirements for industry vertical.

  • Threat Modeling

    Establish the basic building blocks for identifying threats in the requirements and design phase. Identify relevant threats, the stakeholders who require visibility and the pragmatic practices for effective delivery and consumption.

  • Automated Security Testing

    The success of any agile development process is automated tests. Automated tests allow for rapid deployment, regression, and delivery. The Proactive team can help design automated security tests to continuously assess the system for every delivery to reduce the risk of an introduction of vulnerabilities.

  • The Right Security Processes

    Security should be a seamless part of the software development lifecycle. Our team can integrate security into various agile methodologies or regulated development methodologies.

  • DevOps

    DevOps has revolutionized software delivery by merging operations and development, focusing on automation and introducing infrastructure as code. Proactive can help bring SecDevOps (Secure DevOps) to your organization, by adding the necessary security steps to your DevOps teams, tools and processes.

  • Training

    Host a one-day team workshop to enhance the security knowledge necessary to support your organization’s development team.

The Benefits

  • Anticipate, identify and prioritize threats early in the development lifecycle
  • Train your development team to consider security risks for every new line of code
  • Reduce costs by catching security bugs before release
  • Produce security documentation with the design to meet every increasing regulatory requirements